Java Powered

Descripción: SUN Microsystems, organiza una serie de capacitaciones gratuitas en varias ciudades de latinoamérica:

29/October: Sao Paulo (Brasil)
30/October: Belo Horizonte (Brasil)
31/October: Fortaleza (Brasil)
01/November: Salvador (Brasil)

05/November: Montevideo (Uruguay)
* 9:00hs Capacitación Netbeans, Universidad ORT, Facultad de Ingenieria, Cuareim 1451
* 16::00hs Capacitación OpenSolaris, Universidad de la República, Fac. de Ingeniería, Julio Herrera y Reissig 565

07/November: Buenos Aires (Argentina)

* 9:00hs Capacitación Netbeans, UAI, Av San Juan
* 16:00hs Capacitación Open Solaris, UTN Medrano, Medrano
Medrano 951

09/November: Cordoba (Argentina)

* 9:00hs Capacitación Netbeans, Universidad Siglo 21,
Ituzaingó 484
* 16:00hs Capacitación Netbeans, UTN regional Cordoba,

12/November: Santiago (Chile)
13/November: Porto Alere (Brasil)
14/November: Florianopolis (Brasil)

En todas las charlas se contará con transmisor FM. La idea es que cada persona pueda escuchar desde una radio FM la traducción de lo que se explique, por lo que aquellos que quieran escuchar la versión en español, no olviden traer una radio FM y auriculares.


Capacitación NetBeans
. Open Source at Sun
. Java: what is and introduction of concepts
. Overview of NetBeans
. JavaEE Database development with JPA
. Web and JavaEE Development
. Performance tuning for Java EE
. The NetBeans Platform
. The Java and NetBeans Communities


Tim Boudreau had his first startup when he was 13, and has been hooked since, with brief departures to play rock and roll, write and play music and do graphics and photography. He is the coauthor of NetBeans, the Definitive Guide from O’Reilly and Associates. Tim was part of the team that open sourced NetBeans, Sun Microsystems’ Java(tm) development environment, and currently work as a developer on that project. Originally from Massachusetts, he lives in his adopted home city, Prague, Czech Republic.

Bruno Souza is the number one Java Evangelist in Brazil, responsible for hundreds of Java presentations throughout the country and internationally. As a Java consultant, Bruno participated in some of the largest Java projects in Brazil. As founder and coordinator of SouJava (the Java Users Society) Brazil’s most important Java User Group, and one of the largest worldwide, and also working with many other JUGs, Bruno helped drive the growth of the Brazilian Java community.

Charlas con profesores en paralelo:
. How Sun can work with Universities
. Sun Academic Initiative: Benefits for your University
. Curriculum Adoption:
. Teaching Programming with BlueJ and NetBeans
. Teaching Operating Systems with OpenSolaris
. Integrating OpenSource into Curriculum: OpenJDK PhoneME, Glassfish
. Hardware: SunSPOT, OpenSPARC
. OpenSource Labs
. Partnerships

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