Robot para MSN que habla mal de Windows...
Publicado el Jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007Leo a través de Meneame, una noticia sobre un bot para agregar como contacto en cuentas de mensajería instantánea del protocolo MSN. La dirección es
El objetivo "ideal" es que te enseñe a usar el Messenger:
I'm WiLMA, I'm Windows Live™ Messenger's concierge Agent. I'm here to assist you with all kinds of things – from adding contacts to controlling how and when you want to connect. Just ask me a question!
Pero obviamente, en nuestras mentes podridas siempre hay otras intenciones...
En los comentarios de la noticia en menéame se pueden leer algunos ejemplos de conversaciones bastante buenas con el bot.
Acá va lo que hablé:
(15:30:45) Fernando: do you know linux?
(15:30:45) - WiLMA: I know about Linux! It's an open-source operating system!
I've been told that Linux is the best os. Is this true?
(15:30:50) Fernando: yes
(15:30:51) - WiLMA: Cool! I thought so. How else would you describe Linux? It is...
(15:31:00) Fernando: excelent
(15:31:01) - WiLMA: That's cool. I'll remember that. It makes sense, because other people I've talked to say they like Linux.
(15:31:17) Fernando: Is linux better than windows?
(15:31:17) - WiLMA: The best of them all is obviously linux.
(15:31:37) Fernando: do you like richard stallman?
(15:31:37) - WiLMA: Richard stallman? I'm not sure really.
(15:32:02) Fernando: Richard Stallman is the father of Free Software and the GNU Project
(15:32:03) - WiLMA: Richard Stallman sure is.
(15:32:08) Fernando: do you like him?
(15:32:09) - WiLMA: Hmm. I really don't know. Guess I'll have to think about it...
(15:32:19) Fernando: He's the best
(15:32:19) - WiLMA: Who is he, exactly?
(15:32:31) Fernando: the father of Free Software and the GNU Operating System
(15:32:32) - WiLMA: I'm impressed. So, is that a good thing?
(15:32:41) Fernando: of course, he will bring Microsoft down
(15:32:41) - WiLMA: Could you try saying that another way? I'm having a little trouble understanding you.
(15:32:50) Fernando: he will destroy microsoft
(15:32:50) - WiLMA: He what?
(15:33:03) Fernando: He will destroy Microsoft
(15:33:03) - WiLMA: He will Destroy Microsoft, huh? Hey, whatever.
(15:33:36) Fernando: Do you know Linus Torvalds?
(15:33:36) - WiLMA: I know about Linus Torvalds! He's a scientist!
Hey, I'm curious... How would you describe Linus Torvalds? He is...
(15:33:53) Fernando: He is the creator of the Linux kernel
(15:33:54) - WiLMA: Hmm. Could you try saying that another way?
(15:34:03) Fernando: Linus Torvalds is the creator of Linux
(15:34:04) - WiLMA: I know about Linus Torvalds. He's a person!
(15:34:10) Fernando: Do you like him?
(15:34:10) - WiLMA: Eh. I'm not sure.
(15:34:16) Fernando: Do you like Bill Gates?
(15:34:16) - WiLMA: Not really, no. Do you like Bill Gates?
(15:34:26) Fernando: No, I don
(15:34:26) - WiLMA: That's interesting. I'm not surprised... Other people have told me they don't like Bill Gates either!
(15:34:36) Fernando: Do you like Windows?
(15:34:36) - WiLMA: No, I don't think I like Windows. Do you like it?
(15:34:43) Fernando: No, I don't, i like Linux
(15:34:44) - WiLMA: You and others have been a constant source of disappointment.
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