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Pokémon Crash Course

Alan: I think I need a crash course in Pokemon. I entirely missed the whole thing 😬 Satoshi Tahiri used to collect bugs when he was a kid in Japan. He first came up with the idea for Pokémon when the Game Boy was released because of the Link cable: it allows you to link two Game Boy systems to exchange data. He imagined a bug going through the cable from one Game Boy to another. The first two games were released in 1996: Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green (Red and Blue outside Japan). In the game, you are a […]
ghpreview - gem to preview README files for Github

Article originally published in the Neo blog. A while ago, Adam McCrea from the Neo Columbus office shared ghpreview. It’s a tool to preview a Markdown file locally with Github styling. It also has the option to refresh everytime you save your source Markdown file. The most common use is your project’s README file before pushing it to Github. It also accepts any Markdown file. Even though there are many other tools to preview this kind of file, none of them use Github Flavored Markdown. ghpreview is an accurate preview because it uses Github’s own HTML processing filters to generate […]
Ruby Web Development Microframework: Cuba

Article originally published in the Neo blog. We have many tools from which to choose when we’re facing a new web project. With applications tending to use a modular architecture on the web, and developing towards APIs, we’re building code that’s better to reuse and easier to test. Rails is the most popular framework in Ruby when building web applications. Also, it’s an entrance technology for most new Rubyists due to its popularity. It’s a full-stack framework, opinionated and a great tool for specific uses. It tells you from the start it’s opinionated, it was built for convention over configuration, […]
Interview with Cas from Puppy Games

This is the blog's first post in English. I recently emailed some questions to Cas from Puppy Games, creators of Revenge of the Titans, Titan Attacks, among other awesome retro-classics. Check their website for free demos of their games and the Ultrabundle: 3 awesome games for just U$S 9.97. Here's the interview (Spanish readers, I'll have it translated into Spanish ASAP): How did you start with Puppy Games? 10 years ago I had this idea for a multiplayer RTS game, so I got in contact with Chaz (whom I knew from school) and we had a go at developing it. […]
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